The Druze Orphans & Charitable Organization

About Us

Druze Charity / About Us

01Mission and vision

DOCO was founded in 1999 and depends on private funding and volunteer leadership.
Our mission is to provide financial aid to charitable institutions and organizations that shelter and educate Druze orphans in the Middle East countries; to aid handicapped children; to help facilitate education for needy children; to support care facilities for the elderly; to instill in our children the importance of sharing with the less fortunate; to inspire and help create role models among the youth to secure a good future for our community.

02Charity projects

 Doco has accomplished many projects in addition to other projects that are still in progress.

Our projects covers:






 Druze Orphans and Charitable organization (DOCO) in the United States in 1999, as a way to facilitate and maintain the continued support of the t Beit al-Yateem orphanage. It was founded by Ms. Aniseh Assaf.

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